Poverty and Prejudice are both striking.
Neither is uncommon.
And when they come together as twin pressures, they pin you down and keep you there.
These disturbing visuals of children deprived of their childhood were shot by Priyanshi Thakkar.
Child labourers survive and smile through their suffering, perhaps because they have never known a life that is better. We mistake their innocence and compliance for fondness – of an existence like this.
We shrug off our collective responsibility to uplift, allowing marginalization to remain.
Is this the world we want our children to grow up in?
As children, so soft and sensitive to the pain of our disadvantaged parallels, we had promised ourselves otherwise.
The needy need us.
And we need these biases to go!
(A special SHOUT! for photographer Priyanshi Thakkar who guided us as we struggled to find words that would hit us as hard as her portraits have.)
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