We’ve pondered over this for so long, it’s making us SHOUT!
And so, we had to pass the puzzle on…
Your responses cracked us up.
Some, we haven’t quite understood.
Anyhow, here’s all the depth and droll…
Any hill that breaks clouds is a mountain.
– Sanjay Prasad Ganguly
Ask a Runner.
– Parul Sheth
Depends on how low a rock feels before it looks at a grain of sand.
– Amit Kaikini
5968m. Kilimanjaro. (Because I climbed it.)
– Samarth Kothari
It’s very relative. As I live right next to the sea, I would classify any hill having an elevation of over 500m above mean sea level as a mountain.
– Deven Kothari
May be many hills make a mountain. So a hill has to have many ups and downs to be a mountain.
– Rahul Bhandare
A bottle of wine and a Gregor Clegane suit.
– Kushal Mirpury
The height at which your stroll becomes a trek to scale it.
– Mihir Zatakia
So, if you’ve found your answer,
That’s all from THE QUESTION.
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