Location: Old Town Square, Prague

Point of Contact: Beneath the Old Town Hall Tower


(Aamer Khan, a visual artist, doubles up as Kagan in this visual dream of a piece.)


‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘disk’ or ‘wheel ‘ and it refers to the energy centres in your body.
For maximum functionality, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced.
If they get imbalanced, you tend to experience physical or emotional distress due to the asymmetry.

The idea behind ‘Chakra’ was to create a balance between the shapes, patterns, symbols and colours captured in the original photograph and to redesign it to a symmetrically aesthetic image that resembles a ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’.

For me, Symmetry is an important element of design when creating an image. The human eye tends to find symmetry wherever it looks, and as a designer, it’s upon you to create the full image.

The original photograph, from which I created the designs for Chakra II, is of a 13th century Astronomical clock in the Old Town Square of Prague (Prague Orloj), which tells the time, provides the date and shows astronomical and zodiacal information. The various components of the clock, work in harmony, as one.

I took inspiration from this idea while designing the art pieces for this series. It was especially challenging to not make it too overwhelming given the details in the picture. Time, after all, is asymmetrical. But I suppose the ‘astronomical’ theme of the original clock has been maintained in this design…



The Camera is Aamer’s first love. Team SHOUT! thought long and hard about featuring this in SURESHOT but these are more than photographs clicked in an instant. They are laboured upon long after that instant has passed. His photographs are edited to enhance their artistic breadth. When he breathes a sigh of relief at what he believes completes them, a viewer is left breathless. This piece was conceived, captured, curated and designed by him. Know more about Aamer Khan and his work here.



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