An Evening in Bombay isn’t a burst of colour,
It’s a play of subtle tints beginning to uncover.
And even with the Sun lessening, your thoughts may finally begin to clear.
We aren’t exactly still but we’re a lot calmer.
Everything that wants to be hyper can just wait until tomorrow…
It’s a time to walk out into the streets and reflect
On everything that drove us wild through the day.
May be we’re just returning to our homes,
Through lanes and by-lanes that feel like extensions of those.
Do you finally have time to read?
Surely Bombay has a corner to leave you be.
A Summer Evening Breeze is found and felt in many cities.
But there’s nothing quite like the one that blows to Bombay’s beat.
Bombay at Dusk or Bombay at Dawn.
Travellers will find a way to fawn.
An Evening in Bombay is a roamer’s retreat.
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In addition to the above, thoughts and opinions change from time to time… we consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind. This website is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various topics running around our brains, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not be the same, or even similar, to those we may hold today.
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