Bombay is an emotion.
A very mixed one.
There are few cities in the world that are as much of a paradox – detestable one moment and lovable in the next.
For many reasons and through its duet of seasons – heavy rain and heat – Bombay is as charming as it is alarming.
To breathe in Bombay is to have asthma but to never want to come up for air.
There simply is no space, no middle ground, no waiting around.
It is old with all its newness, unsure of which century it really belongs in. It just is, a mesh of every era.
Its emotion is a throbbing, spirited, changing, dynamic one.
Hard to keep up with, nearly impossible to escape or ever un-feel.
A photograph doesn’t say it all.
But it stills a city that simply cannot be so.
For a second, it saves a breath, a tear, fear, perhaps something dear…

We just want you to walk out into this city, eyes wide open,
Beholding treasures that once were,
Treasures that can still be and remain,
If only we were looking with our hearts,
And feeling with our lungs – the beauty that helps us breathe.
It is the reason we called this a “series” and not “diaries” .
Because these relics of a raring city have to live outside of words and books, in our immediate realities and vicinities.





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In addition to the above, thoughts and opinions change from time to time… we consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind. This website is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and manifestation of the various topics running around our brains, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not be the same, or even similar, to those we may hold today.
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