We found ourselves at the Sassoon Dock, a fishing port in Bombay, before dawn had seen its last dream.

As it turns out, the dawn of their day is decided by fisher-folk who bring in the catch and then sort and auction it in what is clearly the earliest, liveliest and loudest marketplace in the city.

Are you really surprised then that SHOUT!’s nosy lens and boisterous scribe were found there?

What began with outrage at our lens clattering away quickly transformed into mirthful excitement at being photographed at work!

Little boats floated into safe harbor, baskets of marine life (with and without life) were hoisted up with a pulley onto the mainland and auctioning for the day began!

Sunrise crawled in at its own pace and before she knew it, the business of the day shone bright on a lot of pleased, hungry, satisfied, chai-sipping faces.

Only a cat would know,
Only a cat could tell,
A fisherwoman apart from her kind.
To the world, they’re quite the same!

We’ll go back for that swag and smile.
Perhaps a fish or ten.
But every time a Bombay Duck is savoured,
We’ll toast to the city’s fisher-women and men.





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